The Kind War Kindness is the true winner |
A Better World For Everyone
The Kind War isn't so much about fighting physically, but more of an intellectual approach to counter today's challenges in such a way that it solves the struggles without fighting. It is a way to achieve our objectives without bloodshed or harm. Kind war is what we can do at little or no cost to make a difference in this world. The Kind war is all about using kindness, wisdom, cooperation and generosity to improve life for all humanity.
While the contents of this site may bear resemblance to a sales pitch, I ask for no monetary contributions. So then, what is the point of this site? The basic intent of this site is to express how awareness, kindness, gratitude, generosity, joy and love can solve virtually every problem known to mankind. My reward is to be part of a smarter society that improves life for everyone.
This concept costs virtually nothing, benefits everyone, harmonizes with all religions, is scientifically sound, concurs with all wise teachings, eliminates stress, promotes technology, improves our health, increases happiness, and encourages each and every one of us to become a better person.
There is nothing harmful about any part of this concept because it is based on 100% purely constructive positive intent. By taking the time to recognize ourselves in a few simple areas we can not only improve our quality of life as individuals but can also transpire into a better life for everyone we contact.
We the people can use the concept of the Kind war to improve our lives, our children’s lives, and our countries by understanding how we can release ourselves from dependencies on organizations such as large corporations and governments. These organizations over time have assumed control over the key necessities required for survival. These organizations are owned by people that have maintained primarily financial advantages over nearly the entire population for eons.
Our society has developed into a complex foundation of mostly false dependencies. The principals of these organizations have manipulated the monetary system to develop these dependencies in order to maintain control over the vast majority of people on this planet. By simply becoming aware of the very existence of these dependencies we are empowered to use our creativity to overcome these dependencies one by one and restore our freedoms.
The stronghold these organizations have is nothing more than an illusion that we have accepted as a society. We have been told that we must follow a narrow path in order to live a comfortable life and achieve our goals. That path is based on money and enslavement and allows just enough choice to convince followers that they are free when they are anything but free. Society is not necessarily your friend, it has been manipulated cleverly to maintain control over all that conform.
Just understanding how society is built to guide people away from themselves, from their own free will, is a huge step in advancing our own true interests and awakening our true abilities. Society has so much history and so much control that it seems too big to change. But understanding how the control is implemented allows us the ability to play the society game more in our own favor.
Society takes a great deal of influence to change even the slightest bit, but to watch the world change drastically in an instant, one simply has to change their own outlook of the world. What makes this seem so difficult is our own resistance to change our thinking enough to see the world differently. Things are only as bad as we've been convinced they are.
Start by asking questions
Don't believe what you hear, but more importantly, don't dismiss any possibility!
We have been told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it from the moment we first communicate. It begins when our parents pass the conditioning that has been passed from generation to generation for centuries on to us. The basis of this conditioning promotes separation, competition and conflict. This basis trains its subjects to be very receptive to the suggestion of separateness.
This is a simplified expression of how we are conditioned from birth to oppose or to assume a separate position. It seems so harmless and fits in so well with society that it is widely accepted. The problem with this separation is that it not only detaches us from others but more importantly we lose sight of our own true self. One may think of this as trivial but it is the beginning of the end of our connection to virtually everything in our existence.
As our separation grows our connection diminishes and we naturally start to look out at everything and everyone as separate entities. This gradually diminishes our responsibility for things that happen to the point where we feel we have little responsibility for nearly everything going on around us, thus blame sets in. Using blame we can take less responsibility for why the world is the way it is, because it's not our fault or it's not our problem.
When we dismiss our responsibility for each event or thing, we don't see that what we are really doing is surrendering our power to change or modify these events and things to someone or something else. This surrender of power or responsibility places us into a state of dependency. This dependency is the happenstance method that powerful groups, individuals and outside entities use to control us.
The powers that be have controlled most of our information sources for so long that we rarely question them. Not questioning every single information source is our biggest weakness! It is amazing how often we actually put trust in the worst offenders. A good reason for this is that even the worst offenders are under outside control as well and honestly believe in what they are doing. It has gone on so long that we nor they rarely if ever bother investigating our core beliefs.
We just go ahead and accept information just because it came from sources we are comfortable with. Then we defend it with statements like "my church would never be part of such an evil scheme" or "it has to be true because it is written in a text book" or "these studies prove it" or "our government wouldn't lie to us" or "the laws of physics dictate it" etc.
News media, schools, books, magazines, newspapers, television programming, radio, churches, movies, documentaries, internet sites, and even our parents, are all subject to control factors! These are not bad people that supply questionable information. They honestly believe their information is sound! But the question again comes down to "have they checked their sources and their sources sources?". The world is changing rapidly and we seem to have less time to check things out, so we are now at a bigger disadvantage than ever before.
Newscasters are paid to deliver what has been prepared for them and is displayed on the teleprompter. Nobody thinks the wheel needs to be rediscovered but nobody has checked to see that the wheel is still round and functions properly. We hear lines like; "they just don't make things like they used to" and Things are different now", but do we ever really take the time to investigate and understand why this is?
The key to these control elements is that they have been ingeniously built over centuries into the very core of our belief system. Because it all works at such a deep level in our psyche we are not even aware that we are carrying out commands that are carefully planted into virtually all of our information sources.
It is very scary to challenge our beliefs, but it is the most important step to not only escape being controlled by others, but also in finding out who we really are and discovering our true potential. It is necessary to forgive and forget our past so that we can move on, for it is our past that inhibits our ability to grow in most all respects.
What to look for
Information sources mislead us when they promote fear, hate, and greed. They serve us injustice when they divide us into groups and turn us against other humans. They fabricate enemies for us and convince us to fight by telling us that others want to harm us, as they fool the others into believing we will harm them. It is because we believe this sort of misinformation that we create and deploy military forces that actually promote our own misfortune.
If information is derogatory or suggests opposition it is most likely packing a hidden agenda. Remember if any message invokes fear, hate, separation, greed, or judgment, it should be subject to extreme scrutiny. These attributes point out the extreme likeliness of hidden agenda. These attributes are also key procedural techniques used in many variations of mind control.
We have always known in our heart how the above attributes threaten our very existence, but we've been trained to block the vast capabilities that are sourced through our heart and have reduced it to either a mere blood pump from a scientific viewpoint or an emotional behavioral control as it is used in churches, religions, society and cults. It is not only a big part of our instinct or perception, but it is our emotional connection to virtually everything in the universe. This blocking of our heart or separation is what diminishes our humility and increases our ignorance or arrogance. This causes us to think in a confined cerebral fashion where we tend to look outward rather than inward.
Don't forget to follow the money! Large organizations have incredibly huge budgets for not only advertising, but also to pay off experts and officials to enhance their bottom line. The officials they choose to control are the people that so many trust because they have built an empire of trust. If you pay close attention you may notice that if an expert or official gains a conscience and tries to set things straight, they tend to vanish or become discredited in the media once they start to expose too much.
While truth is very subjective, there are portions that effect everyone. The revealing of a truth that directly effects everyone goes through a series of public reactions. These reactions typically start with ridicule, then evolve to violent opposition, and eventually become common knowledge as if that was always the way it was. When we see ridicule and opposition materializing in the passage of information it may be an indicator of attempts at suppression.
Accepting Responsibility
Why is it that we so regularly blame others for our own problems? Why do we see all of our own problems and deficiencies in others and rarely realize the problem we see is actually a problem of ours, not theirs. What most likely prevents us from seeing this is our natural tendency to defend a belief structure that we have built and maintained all of our life.
Why is it so hard for us to look at the side of those whom we choose to oppose? If we made the least effort toward understanding what it is that others see we would know why others think as they do. Why would we not include every piece of information from every possible source into our own consciousness? Why is it we so often fail to see that the very instant we look into our own heart we realize that others can have their own view and it doesn't really threaten us in any way.
It is not all that difficult to understand why we can't bring ourselves to believe that we hold a part in virtually all of the horrific atrocities we hear about. Yes, we are often supporting the biggest atrocities on earth and don't even realize how it is built into our lifestyle. Every decision we make, every penny we spend, every cause we support, every action we take, plays a role that transcends many transformations and applies to reactions and various complications that ultimately result in what we end up seeing on the news. But because have fear in our heart we are afraid to accept our part in distant reactions, so we return to pointing and blaming as we have been taught. It seems so much easier because we don't have to change our ways. Ironically once the change is made we find that everything is simpler and easier than ever before and things add up with far less inconsistencies.
Once we understand how our connection to our self connects us with everything we can realize that our world changes instantly and we have the freedom to make life better for our self and everyone around us. This can spread like wildfire if you accept it completely. This change may seem to take a lot of effort to implement because we tend to reject what might be considered a leap of faith.
There is nothing new about any of this, the various angles have been accepted and used for centuries by the worlds most successful people and publicly proclaimed geniuses. Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Nikola Tesla to name a few, have been said to have written many sayings that pointed out many aspects of this sort of concept clearly. Did they really say these things, or did someone say it in their name to get a higher level of acceptance? Does it really matter who said it as long as it maintains consistency and works?
Why is it that the majority of the population believe it is necessary to fight in order to achieve objectives? Why is it that we opt to deal with our obstacles using brute force and ignorance leaving a wake of destruction, when using receptiveness and understanding the obstacles can assist us in attaining our objective? Why is it we think that joining one side of a battle is ever going to solve anything?
The solution is so simple and easy and yet we almost always reject it because we refuse to think openly enough to accept our ability to create the environment around us. It is as simple as "We find what we seek". If we set our mind to look for what is wrong with something, we are guaranteed to find an unlimited number of things wrong with that thing. If we set our mind to look for what is right with something, we are guaranteed to find an unlimited number of things right with that thing.
If we think "conflict, hate, pain, fear, terror etc." it polorizes our minds up to receive that form of energy and sure enough conflict, hate, pain, fear, terror etc. comes our way in abundance. This is because we are choosing to want to receive conflict, hate, pain, fear, terror etc. and because we can create conflict, hate, pain, fear, terror etc., we receive exactly what we ask for.
Conversely if we think "joy, happiness, love, gratitude etc." it sets our minds to receive that form of energy and sure enough joy, happiness, love, gratitude etc. comes our way in abundance. This is because we are choosing to want to receive joy, happiness, love, gratitude etc. and because we can create joy, happiness, love, gratitude etc., we receive exactly what we ask for.
It is your choice what you allow into your heart, so if you choose to remain bound to all of your past constraints then that is your choice. There's an unlimited supply of excuses out there, so you can find all of the reasons you need to continue on status quo. There's also an unlimited supply of advancement as well. So what's your choice? Excuses and problems or gratitude and joy.
Open Source Supports Our future
The open source movement is looking like something that has great potential in saving humanity from many of it's woes. It is based on the giving and the sharing freely of any and all information, software, designs, etc... It is the opposite of hoarding, compiling, patenting, copyrighting, etc... It has no concrete governing group of people, targets, or limitations. It is advanced minds sharing their work with the world at no charge. Based on what we were taught in society it seems unthinkable to allow your hard work to be given away, doesn't it? If you take the time to investigate those that contribute to open source, you will find that they are almost always very successful in their own right, and others tend to look to them for assistance and advice.
Open source software is growing more and more available for free, minimal cost, or requesting donations. Open source software is distributed with the actual "source code" the program is written, so anyone can change it or adjust it to perform a different function freely. It is usually distributed under the Gnu Public License that guarantees complete freedom of use and modification free of any charges also known as copyleft (considered a play on the word copyright as an antonym)
There are many new entries into the open source movement, for instance Tesla Motor Company has put many if not all of their electric car designs up to open source free for anyone to view modify and build. Easton LaChappelle, a teenager developed and built a prosthetic robotic forearm after learning people were paying upwards of $80,000.00 for a simple clamp type of prosthetic. After all of the design work was completed, he got up in front of a large audience and announced that he has posted all the construction plans, blueprints, CAD files, schematic diagrams and software as open source so anyone in need of a prosthetic arm build or have one built for them at minimal cost.
The beautiful thing about open source is that it allows the general public access to life changing information, tools, and devices without having to pay the exorbitant price that large corporations have to charge for all of the overhead. This allows for people to expand much farther with less budget required, thus making it much easier for the less fortunate to make progress.
"So you believe, so it will be" --Unsure of Source--
There are thousands of videos and web pages on the internet that provide details how to lift yourself to success, many at little or no charge. Do check it all out, but remember, you find what you seek. So if a site or video projects fear, promotes hate or anger, offers protection, asks for money, categorizes people into groups, names an enemy or places blame on any other person or group then beware for these actions are almost always attempts at control or deception. In all of the above cases extreme scrutiny is in order.
To battle anything is almost always a tremendous disservice to all parties involved. Keep in mind, if you choose to feed a battle you most likely will hurt yourself as much but usually more than the opposition. A good reason why this is not recognized by most is because it rarely materializes as an immediate measurable response. Reactions of this nature play out in so many different ways and directions, it could be months, years, decades, or more before things come full circle.
The same delay phenomenon applies to positive intent as well so remember we are all new at this and an incredible amount of patience is in order. Everything is always in balance, good and bad, wrong and right are only perspectives, it is our choice where we position ourselves in this balance of things.
People tend to waste more time, money, and energy by supporting hate and anger when less than a tenth of the energy in the form of love, gratitude, understanding and generosity often results in more than a hundred times the reward. It is time for us to think of how we can help one another not how we can hurt one another.
There is talk of many conspiracies and conspiracy theories, but there is really only one conspiracy. It is the conspiracy to control you, and there are thousands of methods being used. Each method that is exposed goes through a series of de-bunking and de-bunking the de-bunkers. In the end like court battles it is typically the side with the money that wins and rarely the side of truth.
The latest exposures of conspiracies are just in time to enact the next round of controlling factors. Do you remember how it was stated earlier that promoting fear, hate, anger, separation, etc.? Do you suppose that all all of this conspiracy exposure might be once again an attempt at promoting fear, hate, anger, separation, etc.?
Many people think in terms of discipline, drive, and self control when it comes to success, and while they are often effective, success is not necessarily confined as a monetary achievement as is often assumed. This is often the reason many work hard and achieve so much but are never really happy. Those who find and do what they really love, tend to be much happier in their success. There is no discipline or self control when doing something you truly love to do. Doing what you love is the primary ingredient in success but is often confused with something you just like, chosen from a list of pre-established options.
When we keep our mind set on what is good in our life, how thankful we are for what we have, how things keep getting better, how those around us are so valuable, how we keep coming up with spectacular new ideas, and how joyful life is, this all materializes for us in abundance.
So always remember to; Stay Happy!
Steps to a better world
Be aware of what you are supporting. Avoid supporting fear, hate, anger, stress, conflict and separation.
Be mindful of how our own beliefs can cause more harm than anything else to us and everyone around us.
Question every shred of information you have ever known and every shred of information you receive, then question it repeatedly.
Find out the origin of everything you eat or drink, be especially aware of commercially produced and distributed food.
Seek out free, sustainable, economical, and clean energy solutions and spread your findings widely. For your life's sake don't attempt to patent it!
Discover the myriad of simple natural cures for almost all ailments. Always scrutinize the modern medical monopoly.
Investigate how you can reduce your dependencies on corporate monopolies and government.
Build and trust your intuition, find yourself, relax and stay happy, get together with friends and family, do what you love and love what you do.
Sign petitions, voice concerns to representatives and be active in supporting what is beneficial to all, but avoid going into conflict mode at all costs for it will take your power away.
Build understanding of how love, kindness, wisdom, and generosity can change the world better than anything else.
Keep your focus on how grateful you are for all you have and how it keeps getting better!
To honestly pursue any (preferably all) of the actions listed above always has and always will have a tremendous impact on our ability to succeed at the things that really matter to us (not to be confused with what we are told matters).
Do this for yourself and as you grow happier, more relaxed, more secure and more successful, it becomes infectious and spreads to all of those around you. The more consciousness grows and spreads, the more our dependencies shrink, the more our dependencies shrink the less control there is over us. If the large organizations don't have control over us they will have no choice except to change for the better of all humanity.
Last Update 3-10-2010
This ongoing project is part of my contribution to humanity. I charge no fees, nor ask for any monetary contributions. I make all efforts to prevent unfounded claims, but things can get through as more information is added or updated. Please help by sending quality feedback, corrections, new ideas, etc. to