The Kind War
Generosity Vs Greed
Time to Think
A quick guide providing ways to improve all aspects of your life and the world around you
Use as a quick guide to open the mind and really think without boundaries
New updated version is available as an e-book now at
Simplified thinking mechanics
Groundwork needed to build understanding.
Simply put, everything we do physically or mentally begins in our brain and either undergoes processing within the brain or is sent out to a group of muscles, glands or organs to initiate a physical response. To do this our body uses an elaborate network of neurons to pass electrical signals from one place to another in our brain and throughout our nervous system. When we perform any action we create neuropathways or paths for signals to travel from our brain to a specific muscle, gland, organ, or to another place in our brain to accomplish a given task.
If we perform a given task repeatedly the neuropathway reinforces itself or becomes similar to a beaten path in a thick jungle. This effect causes a tendency for tasks that we repeat to become easier with each repetition. Think of practicing something like finger exercises on a musical instrument or riding a bicycle as an example. When a thought or action is repeated many times it becomes a subconscious action that is virtually involuntary. We perform thousands of these subconscious actions every day and we are not aware we are doing these things, like standing erect, handwriting, walking, eating with a fork, talking etc.
Everything we do and everything we think creates or reinforces a neuropathway. When we repeat the same activity and continue to reinforce the neuropathways they become habits or habitual thought patterns. To stay on these paths is far easier than to blaze new paths so we tend to stay on these paths. Throughout our life we create countless habits and habitual thought patterns, many are useful, but many are the source of our questionable thinking patterns and behaviors.
When we create neuropathways that originate from questionable data, it influences our entire thinking foundation therefore causing all related thought processes to inherit that questionability. If we constrain ourselves by allowing neuropathways from the past to have any control over our thought processes, our thinking is limited by that past. This limits our ability to grow wiser and reinforces barriers that close off our receptiveness from asking new questions and creating new ideas.
The paths we form are also subject to different degrees of importance. Unfortunately these paths can be very dominant when created through trauma, pain, fear, emotion, reward etc. Trauma, pain and fear are the most dominant. This is because our survival instinct clears much more influential paths that take precedent over conscious thought.
When we are young and still in developmental stages, our minds and bodies have very limited options to draw from, so when we encounter pain or trauma we are forced to make an instant decision from what few options are available. This scenario creates a first priority survival neuropathway. Being a snap choice means it is typically implemented with little or no consideration for anything other than to counter the threat using only immediately available information. This usually boils down to fight or flight. This type of path supersedes all other thought processes. From that point on anything even remotely associated to the initial event can trigger a sudden response. This sudden response typically materializes as fear, dislike or defensive action.
It is most unfortunate that survival paths are so dominant that they subconsciously affect many of our thinking patterns. Because this subconscious control starts at such an early point in our life, as we get older it becomes very familiar so we don’t recognize how it affects the very foundation of our thought processes. These effects continue to restrict our thinking processes unless we become aware of the effect they have on our thinking. Most people take thousands of these restrictive thinking patterns to their grave with no understanding of how much these reactions and patterns have affected their life. The sooner we open our awareness to see these dominant reactions, the sooner we can overcome them and rebuild our thinking foundation so our thinking improves our life rather than obstructs us from growth.
To demonstrate a circumstance picture this; A three year old named Tommy sees his mom making tea one day and notices the color drifting from the tea leaves into the water. And asks his mother what she is doing and she says “I’m steeping some tea”. She tells him he is too young to appreciate tea and that she will introduce it to him when he gets a little older.
The next day Tommy is playing with some wooden checkers. Tommy doesn’t know how to play the game checkers. So he is just toying around with the colored wooden disks. A red checker disk just happened to drop into a glass of water he had nearby. He sees how the red color seeps from the disk into the water and thinks this is just like tea. So he tosses in a few more of the disks into the water and watches the water change color to red. He decides to pretend to drink tea and pours it into a teacup and starts to drink it. His older sister walks up and sees him drinking this red water and asks him what he is doing. He says he made tea from the checkers. She alarmingly exclaims that could be poison! Tommy suddenly turns white as a ghost and starts spitting up the colored water as well as his lunch. Nothing else of any importance happened the rest of the day but as insignificant as that incident was, it is still very traumatic to Tommy.
Years later Tommy’s dad offers to teach him how to play checkers and is puzzled by Tommy’s sudden reaction showing such dismay about not wanting to play the game. All throughout his childhood his family members couldn’t understand why he had such an aversion to beets. What they didn’t know is that when his grandfather made the checkers he colored the red ones using beet juice and just the essence of that flavor triggers a reaction. Sometime later Tommy’s mother offers him some tea and he quickly declines the offer. So now Tommy has aversions to checkers, beets and tea and no one will ever be able to make this connection except Tommy.
As years go by Tommy shows an intense dislike for apple pie, salami, beets, Swiss cheese, or sugar cookies and also has a certain anxiety whenever his sister walks up to him. He claims he doesn’t know why, but it just so happens that when he was three years old his mom made him a lunch consisting of a salami sandwich with Swiss cheese and apple pie with sugar cookies. This was the same lunch he tossed up when his sister startled him back when he was three.
Tommy goes on in life eventually disliking not only the components of that lunch but also the ingredients that make up those components. So now he doesn’t like pepper, apples, cinnamon, or vanilla. The reason he doesn’t recognize why he has aversions to these is because the checker incident was traumatic and materialized as a subconscious thinking pattern that sets off a hidden silent alarm whenever anything that is even distantly associated with the checker incident is introduced.
So Tommy doesn’t recall the incident, why is this? Could it be possible that he hasn’t asked himself the questions to explore exactly where his aversions originate from? Why is he under the impression that the aversions are just things he doesn’t like? Why has he dismissed the possibility that there may be an incident related to his behavior when it comes to what he likes or dislikes?
The above example demonstrates how just one insignificant incident can grow into many additional behaviors as time passes. Bear in mind that the example is but only one instance in hundreds or likely thousands that Tommy experienced during his childhood and early adulthood.
The story serves as an example that we can use to help us understand what may be behind the way other people think. It can serve to open us up to assist us when trying to see the point of view of others.
Why is it so easy for us to look at Tommy’s story and see how obvious it is that this event has affected him, but not even think for a moment we may have many similar incidents that affect our own thinking? If we don’t exercise a conscious effort to become aware of our subconscious thinking processes, these reactions will maintain control over us by limiting our thoughts.
The fact is that we all have hundreds or maybe even thousands of childhood and past incidents that affect our thinking, whether we want to admit it or not. Admitting the existence of such events is key to becoming aware of our own incidents.
It is amazing how people become defensive when it comes to exposing these skeletons in their closet. This is because it is scary to them. As scary as it may seem, there is nothing we can recall from our past that can harm us now. Quite the contrary, by recalling these incidents we become aware of how and why they affect our behavior.
We don’t have to publicize these events; we just need to be aware of them. We created them ourselves and only we have the ability to recognize them. By exposing these skeletons we take the control they have over our thinking back.
Now the groundwork about how we can get stuck into thinking patterns and habits has been brought to light, we can look at the ways to get on track to thinking clearly. The way we think about things is the difference between success and failure. This explains how certain individuals are consistently successful while others fail consistently at certain tasks.
Think about things first, avoid reacting
You don’t have to spend a lot of time recalling your past to get results, to spot questionable behavior just slow down and take time to think about things before reacting to them. The most common mistake we make is confusing reactions with instinct. This can limit our advancement more than just about anything.
Some typical reactions materialize as snapping back at others, telling others what to do, shutting down, becoming angry, becoming defensive, running away, becoming offensive, becoming fearful, etc. These reactions are thinking habits from our past and tend to surface subconsciously without our knowledge.
Think in terms of now (This moment). Leave yesterday in the past and don’t worry about tomorrow. When you uncover issues you have and acts you’ve carried out unknowingly don’t dwell on them. Just forgive them completely and release them completely. This way you are no longer imprisoned by their influence and become free to move on.
It only makes sense that if you discover in your past that you have wronged another person, that you put forth the effort to make it right for the sake of your own integrity and reputation. If the other party rejects the effort or expects to gain more than reasonable compensation then just forgive yourself, move on, and don’t spend another second on it.
Many philosophical and religious writings clearly encourage us to “Forgive and forget”. There are important psychological reasons for this as well. To forgive others is very important. It is all too often that people will waste more time and energy trying to collect an old debt than the debt could ever possibly be worth in the first place. Just call it a gift and move on to reap the reward of letting it go.
It is a huge factor in becoming free from the shackles of the past. The shackles of your past also hold everyone around you to your memories of your past as well as your memories of their past. Holding yourself and others to the past stunts the growth of both you and them. It also makes others very uncomfortable to be around you, especially if they have made the effort to release their past. Let it all go so you and those around you can live and think freely.
Ask yourself questions!
The key to thinking is asking questions! To really open your mind and improve your thinking you are going to have to ask yourself some tough questions. It may seem very uncomfortable at first, but if you forgive yourself for your past and take the time to understand how and why these things happened, you will be prepared to handle all situations easily and become more comfortable with yourself quickly. Below are some hard questions to ask yourself, be prepared for some rude awakenings.
A Rude Awakening Can Be The Best Thing That Ever Happens To Us!!!
1. What are things I don’t like and what are the exact details as to why don’t I like them?
2. What do I fear and what is the true source of these fears?
3. What prevents me from doing exactly what I want to do and what is the source of my limitations?
4. Am I uncomfortable with certain types of people and what exactly am I uncomfortable with?
5. Have I just accepted things that people have told me or do I check these things carefully?
6. Do I check myself for prejudice, preconceptions, or agenda and do I reevaluate my thinking regularly?
7. Do I really consider all possibilities in every situation? Think about this very carefully!
8. Do I hold others to my past recollections? If so, why, and what part do I have in it?
9. Do I really listen to what others are saying or do I apply my own belief/agenda to it?
10. Do I make a genuine effort to really see from the eyes of others?
An average person could spend days, weeks, or even years thinking through any one of these questions, because each one leads to many more questions. The more honest you are about it, the faster you will grow and learn what you are really capable of accomplishing. Just pick one or two of them at a time and think about it as you go about your daily routine. Very soon you will find out that everything can be done better and that you can take more pleasure in doing these things. Or, you may find out that there are better things you can be doing altogether. When you take the time to think about things, you and everybody around you will benefit greatly for many reasons including; more options, heightened sensibility, better efficiency, more consideration, better attitude, etc. Think about it!
Now we’re thinking.
As the mind opens up to more possibilities we find we have many more choices regarding everything we think or do. With more to choose from we come up with alternatives we never dreamed possible before. When you question yourself for more options, you soon discover that you have far more control over more situations than you ever realized before. Having this control over everything we see and do by changing the way we perceive things becomes more evident as we practice thinking clearly. This creates a snowball affect that builds quickly.
Here’s something to think about, I’ll call it the Missouri affect; suppose you are presented with some information that could better your life by a tremendous magnitude, but it differs from what you learned from textbooks or past information sources relating to the current scientific model. Does your mind go directly into the “prove it” or “show me” mode? Or, do you do you consider the possibility that maybe that textbook or information from the past may be serving as a boundary?
Have you ever heard of the term think outside the box? Have you ever noticed how much more successful people are when they think outside the box? Is there a possibility that restrictive rules and laws could be placed into textbooks deliberately? Or, could it be they concluded prematurely because the authors couldn’t prove it? Does that mean it is wrong until proven, even if we haven’t developed the tools to prove it yet? There are many questions to be asked about anything that has rules or laws governing it.
Think for yourself
The proverbial “Box” that people so often have a hard time thinking beyond, is the result of not thinking for their selves. If we base our thinking on the results concluded by others, we are not only confined to what they think, but we aren’t being ourselves either. This doesn’t mean to block out what others say, it means we should be more receptive to understand their view. However we must maintain that it is their view and not necessarily our view. Even though it is not our view, whatever they say is still fully worthy of our honest consideration.
“Balance” is what everything does naturally regardless of our participation! We can think in positive or negative context, but when it all comes down to it, balance is the final result. We have the ability to create our own balance by our perception of positive and negative. Our limits are our own boundaries set by ourselves, by our thinking. There are positives to be found in the most heinous occurrences, as there are negatives to be found in the most wonderful occurrences.
To identify something as positive/negative or good/bad is also a thinking boundary. It prevents us from recognizing the good side of something bad and vice versa. It also inhibits our understanding of the balance of things that are not measurable or communicable in physical terms or things that cannot be proven true or false.
Everything achieves balance one way or another; we control our position in the balance of all things by choosing how we apply our thoughts. If we think positively we focus our mind toward our conception of what is positive for the current moment. This leaves the negative counterpart to dissipate unfocused with no direct function applied as it achieves balance. This applies in reverse if you swap the words positive and negative in the above statements.
Thinking Spiritually
Spirituality is probably the most misinterpreted, misrepresented, and misunderstood expression in physical existence because of a lack of measurable repeatable physical proof. Yet those whom believe and utilize it have amazing successes to tell about what are often referred to as miracles. Spirituality has allegedly been and tends to remain intangible to the physical realm. The evidence remains to be circumstantial.
Circumstantial or not the enormity of testimony toward the results of prayer, meditation, gratitude, forgiveness, etc. is beyond overwhelming. These things are the driving force of religions and cannot be dismissed just because there is no physical meter with which to measure it.
Religions are meant to be based on spirituality but continue to be limited to the barriers of language and interpretation. We can only communicate our own examples as we see them using what we have as analogies to compare the physical world to the spiritual world.
Think about the ancient writings (the Bible, Koran, Kabala, etc.) The vast majority of people have built their entire life around one or more of these writings. These writings are all very rich in valuable information that has helped countless people find some level of what might be called enlightenment, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t been misconstrued or tampered with in all this time.
Why would anyone ever ignore the possibility that powerful leaders may have adjusted these writings to preserve their power to pass on to their heirs? Should we just accept the interpretations of men that we never even knew? This doesn’t mean to disregard what is in ancient writings; it means that with the age and interpretation factors, it is likely they contain some information that must be questioned.
While it is maintained that faith is what makes all of these intangible miracles work, one must question what exactly they are to apply this faith to. If you are asked to apply your faith to things external to you, extreme scrutiny is certainly in order. Faith is what we need to have in our own abilities.
It is easy to place our faith in measurable physical science because it is predictable and has hard physical evidence, but science is limited to physical instrumentation available to measure any given phenomenon. A good question to ask at this point is; where do these instruments come from? Did they evolve out of random calculations? Where did the idea for this instrumentation come from? What is the source of that next calculation that opens us up to all of the new technologies?
If we truly investigate any old religion don’t we tend to find a multitude of discrepancies? If a religion teaches that it’s the only way to enlightenment, eternal bliss, or heaven, wouldn’t that be just a little bit arrogant? Have you just accepted what other members of your religion have told you without investigating it? Again, this is yet another way we can place our thinking into the hands of others.
Why are we hearing of so much hate toward one another from people of religious persuasions? Does your religion promote hate toward another religion? Does your religion promote the separation of humans for any reason? Why? How much weight would you give to a religion that promotes hatred in any way?
So when it comes to congregation, are we meant to get together to think alike in unison and direct our minds against something? Or, would we be meant to combine our own creativity toward openness? It is important to ask the questions about our intentions when we work together.
So feel free to think spiritually but just be aware of how easy it is to plant and cultivate seeds of deception into a subject that cannot be proven. Also keep in mind that religious organizations have at the very least an agenda to propagate the organization.
Considering that most religions have been in place for thousands of years, why in all of this time do they all appear to be unsuccessful in creating a world of peace, love, and harmony? Could it have something to do with the focus ending up more about battling said evils than promoting peace, love and harmony?
Please take the time to think about how pursuit of conflict is inevitably going to create more conflict, while pursuit of peace, love, and harmony will inevitably create more peace, love, and harmony.
The Separation Factor!
Separation is the ideal tool of predators, conquerors, controlling rulers, conquistadors, etc. “Divide and conquer” is one of the most rudimentary offensive strategies used historically to attain victory over any large objective. In the wild a predator separates a weak or slow prey from the herd. The same applies to a human predator; they separate the victim from the support of others to maintain a strategic edge.
The separation factor is so simple, but yet it can be cleverly deployed to successfully deceive the most intelligent people alive. One way it works in society is by controlling communication media. Whoever controls the communication media controls the audience if the audience accepts the information. By using some clever manipulation of the media sources predators can target groups of people with certain mindsets and entice them using their specific life preferences.
Predators know that people of a given persuasion are going to accept information that suits their lifestyle. So then they build an agenda that supports the lifestyle and add some clever opposition seeds to the package.
At the same time a different message is delivered that suits a different mindset and a different lifestyle again with cleverly assembled information and added opposition seeds. The information is repeated to reinforce subconscious neuropathways to help the seeds of opposition grow. Slowly these seeds are modified and fed to gradually turn one group of people with one lifestyle against the other group of people with the different lifestyle.
Now, the media controllers feed the battle with staged incidents, emotionally charged messages, falsified statistics, omitted information, and countless other persuasion factors. This increases the separation of the two groups and serves to get them more emotionally charged, causing more anger toward the other group.
This eventually ignites into a battle that consumes the focus of both groups. With both groups attention preoccupied with fighting the other group, neither group realizes that they are being diverted, while many very important incidents that drastically affect both groups may be taking place in the background without either side noticing. It also causes each group to inflict damage to each other weakening both groups.
This sort of scenario is rampant everywhere and takes place in every form of media including TV, radio, street talk, business memos, advertisements, newspapers, magazines, emails, internet, videos, and probably dozens of mediums not mentioned.
Some of the prime targets used are; Blacks vs. Whites, Liberals vs. Conservatives, Crypts vs. Bloods, Christians vs. Muslims, prochoice vs. prolife, straight vs. gay, etc. the list is endless. If you take the time to think about how separation can be used to turn people against each other it becomes clear how much questionable information is being delivered by our sources of information.
One thing that is for sure is that if anything serves to separate one human being from any other human being, it is most likely there is an agenda behind it to harm both parties. So if anyone or anything tries to turn you against another person for any reason, be very skeptical of the premise.
Have you ever taken a test that tells you if you are right brained or left brained? Do you believe that you are confined to one style of thinking? Do you believe one side of you should be separate from the other? Wouldn’t you want to beware of anything that suggests any limitations to your thinking ability be it creative or logical?
How about IQ tests? Has it ever occurred to you that tests can only apply to some particular training? Take some time to think about the implications of training, isn’t it just another form of programming people into a box? Here is something to keep in mind; while education and training is helpful in performing certain tasks, it can act as a boundary as well.
The law of attraction
If you have spent any time researching the many different facets of self improvement, psychology, religion, homeopathy, ESP, metaphysics, etc. you have probably encountered references to the law of attraction, mind over matter, positive thinking, faith healing etc. Due to the lack of hard evidence, it is as easy to discredit any such premise as it is to embrace it. So what is the wiser path to take? Would you discredit any of them and isolate yourself from all of the possible rewards or would you look into the possibilities?
Have you ever taken the time to notice how people that exude a positive demeanor and positive outlook tend to attract positive or similar returns? Have you taken notice of how you feel when things are going well? If you take the time to think about it you might find that waves of fortune and despair act in harmony with the emotions you project.
The emotional projections we emit correlate directly with the outcome of events in our life. The events of our life in turn feed the emotions and stimulate the same type of emotion to create a cycle of growth. If we don’t think about the premise of our emotions they can grow into emotional reaction cycles that can be misleading or destructive.
This is why it is absolutely necessary to think about the things we do, before we react to them. If we start an emotional cycle from an unfounded reaction, we can create a powerful string of downturns in our life. If we stop and think about the emotions we are projecting we can take control of them and guide them into a growth cycle that serves us more positively or negatively (optional).
Have you ever noticed how a person that focuses on how ill they are, tend to become more ill than someone who places their focus somewhere else and minimizes the discomfort of the illness? Did you also note that people that focus on their illness have more complications and take longer to get well?
Of course this is not always the case but if you observe close enough you are likely to see how often that very pattern materializes. Have you ever taken a moment to think about how this pattern can apply to someone that has been referred to as a hypochondriac?
Now look at the other side of the coin and notice the placebo effect. Why is it so well accepted in medical science that it is a requirement in all testing of new drugs? Why don’t doctors apply placebos to patients first before prescribing a drug to correct ailments? Isn’t this the very science that downplays faith healing? Do you see a conflict here?
The thoughts that you feed are the thoughts that grow to form the events of your life. Your emotions are the fertilizer to speed up the process and increase the yield. Your understanding is the foundation your life is built on. Be sure you remain as open and updated in all areas to make the most of your life.
Everything you ask for is there for the taking, but it requires that you are aligned in mind and spirit to receive it. It is only available to you when you get your thoughts into alignment to receive it.
The only proof you will get of any phenomenon that has been mentioned is what you observe and how unrestricted your observations are in relation what you are observing. We have just encountered yet another growth cycle. If your observations are limited, then they serve to limit the amount of evidence that you are receptive to and how you receive it.
Because everybody is different, there is no step by step plan to align your mind and spirit, but it is as simple as finding your true self. We must understand that the true self is not the preferences we’ve built from past physical experiences, absorbed messages, likeness to others, physical objects, etc.
The conglomeration of past physical experience is what we tend to call our self, but it is just the opposite. Retaining those past experiences actually serves as the barrier that keeps us from becoming who we really are. We tend to think we learned lessons from those past experiences, but have we really learned a true lesson or could it have been an emotional conclusion. How much unbiased thought and investigation really went into those lessons?
As we discover our true self we begin to understand that what we really want in our life, we typically find that it is not as material as we originally think. We start to see that attachments to physical things tend to limit our ability to live freely. We become tied down to supporting bigger physical empires in a sense of security. This sense of security is typically based solely on physical evidence.
This doesn’t mean that one must surrender their material empire. It actually can be a tool for enacting and growth in ones spiritual advancement. We can apply our thoughts using the law of attraction to achieve anything we want be it physical or spiritual. Our path to being our true self most often begins as physical growth prior to a full spiritual leap of faith.
Our use of the law of attraction will certainly make the journey far more enjoyable. Do you remember when you were young how easy things could come and go? Then think about how as we gain physical attachments, how much more the maintenance of them serves to enslave us, so now we live to work.
Gratitude or thankfulness could easily be considered the most potent form of prayer or application of the law of attraction. Thinking the world owes you something might get you some of what you want and no more. Being generous and thankful is far more capable of attracting big rewards above all expectations.
The Snowball Affect
No matter which way we choose to guide our thoughts, they tend to build momentum relative to many factors including; our level of emotion, our intentions, our level of understanding, our integrity, our gratitude, our consciousness, etc.
If you build upon a particular thought, you accumulate more possibilities. As you accumulate more possibilities, you create more choices. With more options to consider, more optimal actions can be implemented. More optimal actions produce added inexplicable results.
The snowball effect works both ways, if we are building a constructive thought we achieve a constructive result. If we build on a destructive thought we achieve a destructive result. If we build on a neutral thought we achieve a neutral result. We must be aware of what result our thoughts are headed toward.
Time to Choose
So now it really comes down to the choices we make. We choose whether to think or react. We choose our obstacles and how we deal with them. We choose what we want out of life. We choose how we interact with others. We choose how we perceive everything. We choose what is good and what is bad. We choose if we like something or not. We choose whether we confine ourselves to existing physical measurement equipment or we create new ideas that require new measurement devices to prove. We choose if we spread happiness or unhappiness.
Every situation that arises in our life brings on the need to choose what to do next. It is far more common to see people reacting rather than taking the time to think about the infinite possibilities. It is our reactions that are usually the source of our biggest problems. It is the choices that we take the time to think about that are usually the source of our biggest successes.
The challenge we face is to catch these reactions before they cause us trouble. A good method to assist in this is to keep feeding a mindset to slow down enough to become aware of our reactions. Eventually we will start spotting them soon enough to think about them and work better choices into our actions.
Some questions to help keep in mind when making choices may include; Are we thinking or are we reacting? Could our information sources be controlled? Does the information really add up? Did we cross check the information? Are we choosing to be part of the problem or are we choosing to be part of the solution? Have all involved parties been considered and would the choice have a negative impact on anyone? Have we really considered enough of the infinite possibilities?
While many claim they don’t have a choice in certain matters, there are always other options available. The trick to accessing these options is to be open to the infinite possibilities. The reason most claim they don’t have a choice is because there is something that is blocking their perception of available options. The primary intention behind this guide is to assist in expanding perception to see beyond the obstacles that appear to limit our choices.
Making an optimal choice is rarely as simple as right or wrong as there are infinite variables that most likely come into play. We often choose to fight something that we believe is wrong, but the problem with conflict is that it draws more conflict and usually ends up being counterproductive. There is always a method to promote a more harmonious solution instead of fighting against something.
Some final thoughts
This short guide is assembled with the intention to provide inspiration and tools to stimulate thinking without boundaries. Every person alive can be happier and more successful in everything they do by simply understanding where these boundaries come from so they can work through or around them.
It is easy to go around an obstacle that that is exposed because it is measurable. If we choose not to see an obstacle we can never size it up to overcome it.
We are here to enjoy all that life has to offer be it pain or joy. Whichever our spirit desires we will fulfill. If we remove the stops the richer our experience is.
“So you believe, so it will be” Sounds so simple, but remains so out of reach for so many. I’m not sure of the origin of that statement but it is the boiled down version of what the end result of thinking does. The openness of our thinking is the factor of our limitations as to what we believe and ultimately what will be.
If you think this is far fetched then it will be exactly as you think (out of reach) for you. It’s your move! The ball is in your court! Don’t wait till you clean your house or finish your finals, act now!
This whole thinking thing sounds so complicated when viewed as a massive undertaking, but really is as simple as slowing down and taking the time to think about all the little boundaries that we create. If we lift the boundaries, we change our life and the world around us.
There are so many overlooked technologies especially what has been labeled paranormal that we have at our disposal to use at our discretion. Much of this has been conditioned from our perception through boundaries that have been passed on to us for centuries.
There is nothing to fear about anything if you are in touch with your true self because you know where you stand beyond the physical realm. (Sorry, nothing is available to prove this!) You’re on your own.
Here are some thought provoking quotes.
· “My mind is a garden. My thoughts are the seeds. My harvest will either be flowers or weeds.” Mel Wheldon
· “We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anne Wilson Schaef
· “Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.” Demosthenes
· “He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, and will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today.” Tryon Edwards
· “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Albert Einstein
· “Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done” Amelia Earhart
· “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.” Stephen R. Covey
· “Reputations are made by searching for things that can't be done and doing them” Frank Tyger
· “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” Albert Einstein
· “I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.” Pietro Aretino
· “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Steve Jobs
· A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, the one I feed the most." George Bernard Shaw
On the lighter side
· “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” Albert Einstein
· “Is it ignorance or apathy? Hey, I don't know and I don't care.” Jimmy Buffett
· “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.” Mark Twain
· “Tell the truth and run.” Yugoslavian proverb.
· “It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true.” Oscar Wilde
· “Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.” Mark Twain
· “Men occasionally stumble on the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” Sir Winston Churchill
· “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is just putting on its shoes.” Mark Twain
· “The terrible thing about the quest for truth is that you find it.” Remy de Gourmont
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